CD Cover Design

If you need cd cover design. We are a great resource for cd insert design. All you need is a pic and idea and we will come up with a fly design for your cd cover. All you need to do is send us your artist name, you title of the CD, a track list,  and any contact info and social media like twitter, instagram and facebook. All you need to do is give us the concept you might want to apply to your design. hot cars, cash, pretty women, etc… We can make it happen. We are a leader in mixtape design and creation. Call us today at 404-307-9703 to get started. We would love to hear from you.

The design of cd cover usually takes about 24 to 48 hours. within that time we will have something for you to look at. We will email you your first proof. If you like it we will got to press and print them up, if you want to make changes, we will make the needed changes until we get it right.